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Showing posts from February, 2018
RUFAI OSENI: KNOWING THE MAN Rufai Oseni                                                     INTRODUCTION Call him a multi talented personality and you would absolutely be right. We took time out to get close and personal with the man behind the distinct voice that leaves you glued to your radio, Inspiration 92.3 fm. Admin: Who is Rufai Oseni? Rufai Oseni : Rufai Oseni is a man of many parts author of 3 books and studied animal physiology and, a radio presenter of over 15 years (having worked with the BBC and other media organizations). An actor and a public speaker. I started my career of 15 years ago working at JFM radio warri, I have since worked in over 5 Radio stations across the 6 geopolitical zones of Nigeria. II also had a brief time working with the BBC in Bush house London and I still cover Nigerian stories for the BBC in Bristol...