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Showing posts from November, 2016
Mind your Language ✍ When I was a young girl of around 14 years old, my stepmother had a quarrel with my mum and out of anger turned to me and said that I would never give birth to any child of my own because my womb was rotten. At the time she was saying this I was still a virgin but for some reason I believed this statement so much that when I met my husband I told him, after he proposed to me, that we should consider adoption because I could not have children.  WORDS mean a lot to a child.   I got so angry one day when my cousin told my 7 year old that she could not do anything at her age, meaning to a child is that she is useless!  I saw my daughter stand there looking dejected, and because I knew where I was coming from, I quickly called my daughter and began to remind her of her chores in the house.  I had to immediately change what was said in a fit of anger. She started to recount her chores and this put her in a good mood believing and ...
By Yinka Akintunde. ✍ Grace Capital as Supernatural Endowment: Till the days of Noah, there had never been rain neither had anyone built an ark before. It would have taken Noah some supernatural endowments to see what God was showing and also to follow through accurately. There had been hunters like Nimrod before Noah was born and so the concept of wild animals was not strange. To bring these entire wild animals into the ark would have been naturally impossible. The whole concept of the capital of grace as supernatural endowment is therefore relevant here: when God in His benevolence is making up for what you are short of through Christ Jesus. When enablement to achieve results is being granted you from on high. When you are being helped over and above what would have been hindrances and your natural limit. When you are being marked up by heaven because you have not scored enough on your own to get the enterprise done. I remember my pre-clinic days in the medical college, the...
By Iwuoma Confidence ✍ INDECENT DRESSING AMONG THE YOUTHS It is very common these days to see people of both sexes, especially young ones on the street, mostly students of higher institutions of learning, dressing indecently and abnormally. These dresses expose sensitive body parts like the belly, buttocks and breasts. It is not uncommon to see young girls, particularly students, dress in tight trousers, transparent materials, miniskirts that expose their thighs, blouses that expose their breasts and other irregular dressing that the scriptures have forbidden.  When you see some of them, especially the ladies, you will wonder if she is coming from a home or from the bush. Some of them even find it difficult to walk or just to pick something from the ground, when it drops. Some argue that indecent dressing is caused by common phrases which are the problems of this generation like; “Only God can judge me, you cannot”, “Leave them alone”, “everyone is entitled to his ...
By Yinka Akintunde Noah's Template Of Enterprise Success-Serial 9 Grace Capital as Natural Endowments:  There personalities that we didn't pay a dime nor even did a second of training for to have. Many are in activism, politics, military, show business and various other human endeavours today because being and doing such thing is naturally resident and at home in them as endowments. Being human on its own is a natural endowment and a capital of grace which puts us on the platform and in the line of productivity. We think the way we do and want to coordinate other creatures and objects on the earth because we are human. Noah saw this advantage he had over elephants even though the elephant was bigger than he was. He saw it as agrace he could take to the market place of life. Being human means all other creations can be made to work to our advantage. Noah saw this grace and took it. Your being human is a capital of grace; use it to your advantage. People hav...
              Procrastination -    THE INDISCIPLINE OF TIME, MONEY OR RELATIONSHIPS.                By Mrs Olubola Adeleye.                                💦 Procrastination. Pronounced as: [proh-kras-tuh-ney-shuh n, pruh‐] Dictionary defined it as, the act or habit of procrastinating, or putting off or delaying, especially something requiring immediate attention: A Procrastinator is someone who delays or puts off doing something for tomorrow. When you delay in doing something, you are procrastinating. Who procrastinates!  I think everyone is guilt of this. Many people have a problem of procrastination at home, work, business and school. I procrastinate as well sometimes. I will show you how to identify procrastination by giving you examples. I will tell you the reasons why people procrastinate i...
          By Yinka Akintunde  Serial 8. Noah's Template of Enterprise Success- Serial 8 Intangible Capital of Grace The first question Noah would have kept on asking himself, when he was asked to build an Ark against all obvious odds would have been the common question of 'why me'. We were not told that Noah had any ecclesiastic background. He was not a Pastor neither was he a preacher of any sort. Noah was just another man out there whose ways and values aligned with that of God to a satisfactory level, based on divine standard of godliness set for his own dispensation, time and generation. With the understandable ridicules and challenges from others around him, Noah could not stop doing the obviously ridiculous in the name of following God. He rather followed that inner urge to do the unpopular. I am sure the question would have been asked repeatedly and much more during the flood as he watched everything wiped off the earth with awe. ...
By Yinka Akintunde Noah's Template of Enterprise Success -Serial 7 The Intangible Capital of Grace The world recently witnessed a global recession (between 2007-2009) in which values were eroded off what were the monetary valuation of companies in stocks. I chose to make this reference so that you can see the limitation of tangible capital. Supposing you are caught in a web of personal or global economic adversity that takes tangible capital value off your hand, you need to know what to do for recovery. On the other hand, it may even be an outright drought of monetary capital needed for your enterprise to take off, you need to know how to realise value from intangible capital you have got. In the course of pastoring and leading Christian organisations from my undergraduate days, tointeracting with families and friends on enterprise across the world, I have found out that the major culprit which accusing finger has been pointed at the most for not showing up whe...
A Piece by Victoria Akubo. DRESSED AND DEPRESSED She is now depressed but doesn't know it. Life is tasteless and happiness is a guest.She goes to church but soon forgets the message as she gets home. Compounded anxieties,worries of life,lacks and struggles. Too depressed to pray, If she can speak with the right person or people it just might be the solution. God breathes his word on the  right mouth to meet your needs She is smiling and hurting. She wails inside to smile outside. How did i get this messed up? So many hows and whens without a proper explanation. The same issues revolving round her and she asks "when will all these be over"? She is afraid to tell her friend, she doubts the ability of her friend to sustain the confidentiality. God is the best friend to have she knows but doesn't know how God can be her best friend. When is God going to do this miracle ,I'm not doubting God. "I just need a miracle now". Sh...