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By Yinka Akintunde
Noah's Template of Enterprise Success -Serial 7

The Intangible Capital of Grace

The world recently witnessed a global recession (between 2007-2009) in which values were eroded off what were the monetary valuation of companies in stocks. I chose to make this reference so that you can see the limitation of tangible capital. Supposing you are caught in a web of personal or global economic adversity that takes tangible capital value off your hand, you need to know what to do for recovery. On the other hand, it may even be an outright drought of monetary capital needed for your enterprise to take off, you need to know how to realise value from intangible capital you have got.

In the course of pastoring and leading Christian organisations from my undergraduate days, tointeracting with families and friends on enterprise across the world, I have found out that the major culprit which accusing finger has been pointed at the most for not showing up when needed is capital. Apart from the absence of efficient public system, lack of capital is almost the most blamed cause by intending entrepreneurs or otherwise of not doing what they would have loved to do. (I used the term otherwise here because there is an erroneous teaching that allude to a belief system that all enterprising endeavours must be entrepreneurial. This is not true but all productive efforts must be enterprising. This could be sole enterprise, partnership in its various forms or enterprise within a bigger enterprise). When such people say that there is no capital, money is what they implicitly refer to most of the time. In as much as we cannot undermine what money can do as a capital, we need to know that money is a value that has a pattern of showing up. When we master this pattern, we can create value that will compel money to eventually show up as capital when and where it is needed.

Most of the very profitable and valuable ventures on earth today were not started with loads of money. Silicon Valley in California is probably the richest land mass in term of the cumulative global value created by the companies there. Most of those very valuable companies were not started with money-capital; they attracted money-capital latter on, having traded with some other capital to a point of reckoning for a while.
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