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Pictures Speak Volumes and this is exactly what is depicted in this Creative piece by HAFA, a member of The Creative Writing Skills, Visual Arts and Blogging with E PLUS The Storyteller.

The  African Man!
     Sade, the only child of her parent was a very beautiful slim, dark skinned damsel, who was over pampered.
      After the wedding of Engr. and Mrs Ojo, they had waited for quite a while before the birth of their only Child Sade. Thus, Sade had whatever she requested at the detriment of a sound upbringing.
  It was time for Sade to leave her parents and start her own family ; then they realized the negative impact the kind of upbringing she had been given, would have on her. Thus They all became worried.
     It was love at first sight for Sade and  Bayo, who had been mates in the University.

        Beauty In The Midst of Ashes
 a novel by Ejiro Emenike Ukaumune
                (EPlus The Storyteller)
    Available on

        Bayo was a well groomed handsome young man from an average family;  he had always loved and imbibed the African culture. Blinded by his Affection for Sade, Bayo  asked for Sade's hand in marriage without the necessary due diligence on her family and upbringing. Little did he know that Sade was simply beauty without substance.
Sade and Bayo took their wedding vows amid a very elaborate and fun filled event. Just like every *"Owambe"* party, their parents spared nothing to make it such a memorable experience.
  The Town stood still for the big day and this was the topic of discourse for quite a while.

    Creative Writing: Skills & Blogging
   a book by Ejiro Emenike Ukaumune
                (EPlus The Storyteller)
    Available on

Their honey moon getaway was a romantic experience in a hotel suite dedicated for newly weds. The suite was a 25 square metre sized room with a king seized bed dressed in a white cotton and satin, stripped bedspread.                          There were beautiful white and red heart shaped like rose petals. A smell of lavender and Jasmine incense greeted their nostrils as they made their way into the candlelit room. It was such a memory to treasure for the duo.
The newly weds returned home and Sade was to settle into her new home and role as a wife and Home maker. Bayo was quite amazed when his wife told him about her lack of competence in the kitchen and  Home making; and was demanding for the services of a maid and a cook. Bayo who had always longed for and wanted to enjoy only the company of his wife at home; at least before they began to have children, expressly disapproved of the whole idea.
  Being a typical African man, Bayo had disappointment written all over him. However he tried to encourage his wife in her new duties as he assured  her of his support.
       Shade did as he encouraged and fixed them dinner the best way she could. This attempt at chores and cooking continued for sometime in their household. 

                 Diamond and Stones
  a novel by Ejiro Emenike Ukaumune
                (EPlus The Storyteller)
     Available on

         Subsequently, Bayo was always assisting Sade to cook. He expected her to have learnt and improve on her cooking skill; until the day she decided to cook alone in other to impress her husband.
As soon as Sade noticed how hungry her husband was, Hurriedly, She set the Table and asked Bayo to eat before he would have his bath.
He succumbed and headed for the Dinning Table.
  The first round of food Bayo ate wasn't tasty, followed by the second one. Unable to hide his dismay, Bayo said: The taste of your food has not improved.

                 His Scepter chinchin

   Quite devasted, Sade responded immediately.
"That's the reason I said we should get a good cook.
Bayo left the Table without saying a word.


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