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Showing posts from April, 2016
ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION!  Don't worry this is not an alarm but I know it is worth your time. Have you ever come across little children who actually make use of vulgar languages like it was their nursery rhyme? It Beats your imagination, right? I have often wondered myself, who takes responsibility for this looseness? or is it just me that happens to be outdated? Hmmm, pardon me ooo. In retrospect, I remember growing up, there were places and words that were prohibited thus as a part of training, our association with friends were well checkmated. To a great extent, it really prevented some excesses, here and there. Time is evolving, likewise our norms. There is so much laxity now. Who is to blame? Parents? Teachers?Guardian? Whatever the case may be, there are loopholes and those loopholes must be attended to. We cannot afford to loose our children as a result of our own carelessness. These children are precious jewel we must keep, well protected and secured. We must be u...
OFFICE BOSS OR TYRANT? There is this popular adage which says: Absolute power corrupts absolutely! This is applicable even in the office. We have so many Boss today who ride on the shortcomings of their staff. They have this chip on shoulders, as thick as ever. You can actually smell the pride that comes with it. It is almost like, they are machines and not humans and even if they accept that they are humans, they feel they are Super Humans. They also feel the world begins and ends on their table. They shut themselves down on people's feelings, it's either their way or never! They are always right. Now, do you know that those who climb the ladder of success must thread carefully not to step on those at the bottom because you never know, you might need them on your way down! Beyond the office, life continues. The enemies you make while you are still Boss forms part of those out there. What happens after retirement? Would you still have a life? The way you treat people now deter...
IS HE CHEATING ON YOU? Okay, you just discovered that your man/husband is cheating on you! What's your typical reaction? Suddenly, you turn to a detective!šŸ˜ƒYou know their favorite meeting points, their favorite food spot, e.t.c. So what now!? What's your next agenda? Hmmm! I know. You intend giving them the surprise of their life, right?..The question is: Is it really worth your time? Rather than setting them up, you ought to feel pity for these two 'Cheating Birds'. I can you screaming: Pity!?..Yea, I say again: PITY! Whatever they have gotten themselves to, has disastrous implications, so you can't envy such people. On your own side, you need to be grateful that you are not the 'Abnormal one' involved because, trust me, these two ain't normal otherwise isn't it mind bugging that two people chose to be on the wrong side of life even when they know it? Of course that's insanity. Your role now should be prayer. Oh yes..prayer..that God deliver y...
..."I need you to give me time. I can help you but the whole of this entire drama leaves much to be desired. I don't know who to believe anymore." I said, feeling a little weary. Amanda dropped on her knees and held on to my knee and cried. "Please, just help me get that wristwatch, it means the entire world to me" She said. Looking at Amanda from my position, I could really see a desperate woman. And a thought crossed my mind, if this woman felt so much for a wristwatch, then what is George worth? Was it really about her marriage or some piece of ornament, then another thought came up, maybe be get into relationships for the wrong reason. Maybe our priorities are misplaced..Maybe Love is not enough. If not why would someone like Victor just a bad on me. As these thought rippled their way through my mind, I just broke down into tears. Amanda gazed at me with surprise.
LITTLE, LITTLE PATIENCE!  Assuming you had an interview to go for and you are all cleaned up, good to go, in high spirit, very optimistic that you would get the Job. Suddenly, you get to to the Bus stop and there is a long queue. You have only five minutes left, what would you do?(I can almost guess your answers but it would be interest you to know that in as much as your answers may be obvious, there are very simple ways of handling anxiety or even avoiding it before it develops. Patience is a virtue and not everyone has it. Old or young, rich or poor, small or big, whatever your disposition may be, we all need patience to achieve our goals. Well, there is no hard and fast rule about it but consistency makes the difference. If you adapt the virtue of patience to your lifestyle, then you are a Success because Patience defines a man. It forms one of the most formidable moment of a man's life. Your entire existence depends on it. My mum usually say, 'With Patience you can cook s...
LOOk BEFORE YOU LEAP. Have you ever been in a situation that you were so desperate to come out of by all means? If I may ask, what happened afterwards? Or rather, what were the aftermaths? I guess you really don't want to even talk about it now. It's okay, let's take a look at some implications that are associated with hasty decisions. More often than not when we find ourselves in awkward positions, the first instinct is to deal with it right there, immediately! but it majorly leads to regrettable results that sticks with one for a very long time. Then the question is: What would one rather do in such situation? COMPOSURE is key. A very calm and coordinated disposition is very important to tackle even the most awkward situation. When the heat is on , you can't afford to add to it by going 'off the handle'. Your sense of reasoning should take the front seat. As one of my lecturers would say "We must blend emotions with intellect(or reasoning)". On the ...

LOOk BEFORE YOU LEAP. Have you ever been in a situation that you were so desperate to come out of by all means? If I may ask, what happened afterwards? Or rather, what were the aftermaths? I guess you really don't want to even talk about it now. It's okay, let's take a look at some implications that are associated with hasty decisions. More often than not when we find ourselves in awkward positions, the first instinct is to deal with it right there, immediately! but it majorly leads to regrettable results that sticks with one for a very long time. Then the question is: What would one rather do in such situation? COMPOSURE is key. A very calm and coordinated disposition is very important to tackle even the most awkward situation. When the heat is on , you can't afford to add to it by going 'off the handle'. Your sense of reasoning should take the front seat. As one of my lecturers would say "We must blend emotions with intellect(or reasoning)". On the other hand PRIORITY also comes handy as a result of doing what's best in the long term. You must see beyond the immediate situation at hand, you cannot afford to let your excitement(good or bad) get the better part of you, IT CAN BE TOO DANGEROUS! Then as a complimentary approach, SEEK GOOD COUNSEL: One or two advise won't hurt. There are people around with good sense of judgment who you could consult on issues from time to time, after all, you never know! Have you ever heard the saying: ''A problem shared is a problem solved''? Besides the entire processing, usually, it's even more costly to make mistakes that one cannot reverse than to be cautious before it even happens. So next time you want to rush into taking that decision, you may want to LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP!

THE GOOD LEADERšŸ™Œ Not sure if you fall into this category? Well, let's see. Are you in charge of any kind of assignment? any kind of project? No matter how small or big? Then, of course you must be in charge of people, one way or the other, consider yourself a leader. Now, if you have a home and you are mother, a father, a sister, a brother, an aunt, an uncle or a member of a group you over see, Of course, you are also a leader! Being a leader comes with its own responsibilities. You are at a focal point where the 'l' and the 'T' is crossed by you. People's next step ultimately counts on you. All eyes are on you. Believe it or not, you are just like the most important personality because every of your word, decision, opinion (e.t.c) counts. Chances are you are one whose favor is solicited for all the time. Is this a very good position? Is it enviable? Let's put it this way, far more than the luxury of leadership, every kind of leadership comes with it...
THE  HUMBLE WIFE! Okay, you are a woman and seeing this topic makes you roll your eyes right? Well, relax! Let's just talk.  First, practically speaking, who is a wife? What is her role?. We could define a wife as a woman who is married to a man she has vowed(from her heart) be with the, cherish, protect, serve and most of all Love irrespective of circumstance. Well if you identify with this definition, then it is obvious that you quite get it!but what of those of us that don't get it at at all or simply put don't even buy it, especially as a Woman/Wife/Wife-to-be?   See, there is no hullabaloo about this, as a wife, you have responsibilities that comes with it. It is no longer about you alone.  My dad would say: It's all about compromise or if you like: it's all about 'meeting point'.  The man you married is not just your husband, he is also your choice so take care of him.  Do you know you could make or mar him? Those words you speak to him, are th...
HEAT FROM THE KITCHEN.   While we are preoccupied in our various activities, from Dusk to Dawn. It has become very expedient that we give attention to various matters that is important to us as a people. These matters cut across all spheres ranging from personal, domestic to communal.   JOIN ME AS WE TALK ABOUT THOSE LITTLE THINGS THAT COUNT!