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Not sure if you fall into this category? Well, let's see. Are you in charge of any kind of assignment? any kind of project? No matter how small or big? Then, of course you must be in charge of people, one way or the other, consider yourself a leader. Now, if you have a home and you are mother, a father, a sister, a brother, an aunt, an uncle or a member of a group you over see, Of course, you are also a leader! Being a leader comes with its own responsibilities. You are at a focal point where the 'l' and the 'T' is crossed by you. People's next step ultimately counts on you. All eyes are on you. Believe it or not, you are just like the most important personality because every of your word, decision, opinion (e.t.c) counts. Chances are you are one whose favor is solicited for all the time. Is this a very good position? Is it enviable? Let's put it this way, far more than the luxury of leadership, every kind of leadership comes with it's own price. You cannot be a Good leader, if you are not a Good follower! Your people need a sense of belonging and acceptance without bias because it validates them. Anything short of that presupposes that you are not a 'people's-person' and that is minus😒. How often do you reach out to your people and find out what's going on in their lives? Do you inspire them from time to time? Do you really represent their interest? Your gateway to a Good leadership is knowing where it hurt the people most!👍


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