She had suddenly developed migraine and slight temperature. Sade sat back and relaxed her head on the arms chair for a while. She just wanted to steal some time to let the headache go away.
By the time Sade opened her eyes, it was the end of work hour. "Madam Sade... please this is the office key, lock the door behind you when you're done, thanks."
One of her colleagues, Rebecca, said as she dropped a bunch of key on Sade's desk, leaving her behind. Sade still felt very akward, yet she did not feel like returning home! She reflected on the fight she had with Tunde, the previous night. Probably that was the reason for her present state.
"I'm not God..I don't give Children. Tunde leave me alone!" She had screamed at him. Tunde smirked and banged the table angrily.
"Look at you! Just listen to yourself talk...if you don't know what to do, why don't you ask other women like you?" Tunde had replied. Sade had reacted furiously as she grabbed one of the lamb stand and slammed on the floor!!
" Tunde! I'm fed up of this marriage. If you want to get another woman that will give you children, go ahead!" Sade had said as she walked out of the room.
She made her way to the sitting room and slept there through out the night. The next day, she had woken up, feeling exhausted and she managed to get to the office.
As she sat there, still reflecting on the incidence and wondering when her present condition would change, she heard a voice behind. "Hey! What are you thinking about?"..........TO BE CONTINUED
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Winner of Ejirostoryblog Writing Competition for Schools!
Ebih Angel.
From Satellite Town Baptist Nursery and primary school.
Angel Ebih , 9 yrs old, primary 4, Flanked at the right by her Mother(Mrs Roseline Abigail) and by the left, her Teacher(Mrs Elizabeth Ayeni.)
In order to maintain her Innocence, we decided to present the unedited Story.
by Ebih Angel.
Once upon a time, there lived a girl names Angela. Her Mother trained her to work hard to achieve her goals. Her Father was poor and helpless. There was a competition was held in her school on _How to Read_. Angela took first position and a Scholarship was awarded to her. Her Parents were very happy for her. Angela was a good girl. She obeyed her parents and teachers and everyone that came her way. After her secondary education, she got admission into the University of Lagos to study Mass Communication and she came out with a very good grade. She later got married to Layemi who was a medical Doctor and God blessed them with three wonderful Children, two boys (Ayomide, Johnson) and a girl (Angel.) *The End*
Gloria Maduka
She's your regular host on
The Lunch Hour Show
@ Inspiration FM(92.3)
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