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MANSIONS AND EDIFICE The emphasis these days in constructing massive structures in the body of Christ as the 'House of GOD' while billions are hungry, jobless and homeless is so confusing. These structures are so enormous that they are playing 'trick' on the body of Christ. The ultimate aim of most churches, in this end time is to erect edifice that are second to none. It is like a competition out there now, with ministries trying to outwit each other with gigantic designs. The youth these days are being wooed by these massive structures. It is no longer the word it is about the structure and captivating beauty good enough for taking selfie. They even go as far as posting selfie of themselves in the auditorium during service. These indeed are a negative trend misleading the youth that a true place of worship must be a beautiful edifice. It won't be out of place to say that with these new trends of the church on building edifice; the primary place of building the 'true church/temple' has been defeated. Rather their craving is on wooing man with mansions they call 'House of GOD'. The true church/temple is man, building man by ensuring he develops spiritually. This should be the focus of every ministry not on man made structures. Every resources of the ministry should be channelled towards this purpose. Is it that suddenly we all have forgotten that one day we will leave this world, leaving behind these gigantic structures. This means they are all colossal waste of funds, resources and time. That could have been channelled towards developing man, the true church/temple. Is it that the churches don’t seem to understand the reason behind the enormous finance and manpower at their disposal? If I may suggest few areas to employ these resources. They could be used for creating jobs for the jobless by empowering entrepreneurs, feeding the hungry and providing shelter for the homeless while crowning it all with building them spiritually. One thing I have realized is that once you meet an individual's pressing need, he or she is ready to listen to whatever you are saying and follow you. The critical point here is that the church structure is not a criterion in the things of God. It is not an elective neither is it required or a compulsory factor to determine making heaven. The size of the structure has no correlation with the church/temple being heaven bound. So why the craving for a gigantic edifice as a house of God? Does God dwell in a place? The argument for such structures is that it is for worship. Even if it is for worship, there is no need for such expensive edifice. A simple decent and neat space with a covering is okay. The authentic and recognise temple for worship is the body of man, make it pure and God will dwell there permanently. The following scriptures in the old testament described how the dwelling place of God came about; 1st Chronicles 17:1, 2nd Samuel 7:5, 1st Chronicles 22:1, 1st Chronicles 17:4, Exodus 25:8 and 2nd Samuel 7:2. These are just few of them. 1st Chronicles 17:1 (NASB VERSION) "And it came about when David dwell in his house, that David said to Nathan the prophet, behold I am dwelling in a house of cedar, but the ark of the covenant of the Lord is under curtain" 1st Chronicles 22: 1 (NASB VERSION) "Then David said this is the house of the Lord God and this is the altar of burnt offering to Israel" The original purpose for God's children to build for Him was to have a dwelling place for the ark of the covenant of the Lord. The ark of the covenant of the Lord in those days was a symbol of representation of God here on earth to the people of Israel. The dwelling place was also for a means where burnt offering unto Jehovah will be made. When Jesus Christ of Nazareth came, the ark of the covenant of the Lord and dwelling place was no longer relevant; man as a temple became of paramount importance. This is so because Christ now dwells in us and we offer sacrifices unto Him through our meditation of His word, cleansed and sin free body. We can also worship him through our praise and positive confessions with our tongue. The less importance of mansions is further highlighted in John 2: 19 John 2: 19 "Jesus answered and said unto them, destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up" Jesus Christ of Nazareth was pointing out the less importance of man made structures. In the book of 1st Corinthians 6:19 further emphasis the body as the true temple of God. 1st Corinthians 6:19 "What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which ye have of God and ye are not your own." This clearly shows that our emphasis should be on our body as a temple for worship. When you feed a man spiritually, you are building the temple of God. Moreover, let me ask, how big is our God? Can we actually box Him in a box in an auditorium? In the book of Isaiah 66: 1, Matt. 5:35 and Acts 7:49 describes the awesomeness of God. Acts 7:49 (KJV VERSION) "Heaven is my throne and earth is my footstool: what house will ye build me? Saith the Lord or what is the place of my rest?" (NASB VERSION) "Heaven is my throne and the earth isn't footstool; you build .E a temple as good as that ask the Lord. Could you build me such a place?" The Lord himself is asking, considering His awesomeness, can we actually build a church/temple' befitting enough to contain Him? If we cannot, why are we making an attempt to do that? With all the massive structures coming up and being termed as the "House of God" are they not colossal wastes? If you ask me, i will saycapital YES! Let me reiterate again that our focus should be to build the true temple of God, MAN!. Emy1010> > > >
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