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Apart from Nelson Mandela, Thomas Sankara, Jerry Rawlings and Julius Nyeyere; leadership in Africa has taken the back seat. Whenever African leaders are “elected” or appointed they assume a position of lordship over their people. They see it as an opportunity and a right to enrich themselves and enmass wealth for their unborn generations.
   “leadership is not a call to be served; it is a call to serve”
A leader is a servant; a servant as in utilising your best managerial skills and intellect to maximise output for all from the limited available resource and not the reverse. If you are elected or appointed  as a leader; the people believe a mandate has been given to improve the standard of living and the well being of the populace.
“Whenever African leaders are “elected” or appointed they assume a position of lordship over their people.”
The poverty state in Africa has contributed immensely to the mental state of its people. This has hamper their myopic vision; not being able to look beyond the now and into the more buoyant future with the right leaders along the corridors and seats of power. The mentality has affected their vision so much that all they think of is what they can get now from the aspiring or incumbent leaders; regardless of the clear personal ambition of the leader. Until this mentality is changed, we will continue to have the wrong pegs in the right holes.
Leadership position should not be abused or misused. It is not a period to oppress your enemies, oppositions or other ethnic groups. We need to realize that as leaders it is equally not an opportunity to amass wealth.




Music is my first passion. Number 1! Numero uno!! In fact, I moved back to Nigeria from America to pursue music in 2012. That's how serious I was about my music. Since an artist cannot rule out media when it comes to visibility, I decided to pursue media as a career, especially since I had studied Journalism in college. 

Sadly, in my quest to perfect my radio presentation skills, I inadvertently put music on the back burner. To be honest, I was also a bit discouraged by the industry because I noticed a wide variety of genres were not as celebrated as in other parts of the world. We seem to concentrate mostly on one style of music which ends up making artists either compromise their originality or give up altogether. With these observations about the industry, I decided to start the first ever radio talent show, Who's Got Talent. 

I always longed to give passionate artists like me a platform through which they could be heard without them having to pay a dime. In 2013, my first year at Inspiration FM, I created Who's Got Talent and got two winners, Edword and J-Thyna. The Season 2 winner was a talented man named Ajibola. Throughout the search for talents, I have been privileged to instill hope in talents out there. I have done most of the work alone, courtesy of Inspiration FM giving me the platform, so it can be a bit tasking as there is only so much I can do. In spite of the limitations, I am happy to be able to give back in any way I can. We are currently on Season 3 and I am excited about the talents we have already discovered.


                                                OVERCOMING FEAR
The job of Fear is to give you reasons you should play safe and not do what you have been sent here to do. Your own job is to do what you have been sent here to do.. Fear is successfully doing its job.. Would you rather do YOUR OWN JOB, or will you join fear in doing its job?? 

You have probably been told of how much potentials you have.. Maybe you even know you are very gifted. You want to really go all out to make an impact.. But the more you try, the more Fear knocks you down. Well, I've got good news.. Your days of allowing Fear paralyse you Will be over if you can carefully read this article. 

I will NOT downplay your Fears.. I will not tell you it is FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL. If you are afraid to take steps, then the FEAR you feel is most likely REAL to you. Please know that You are not abnormal for having Fears. Most of the Fears that hold you back right now were installed unconsciously. So, don't feel like you are a WEAK person because you have Fears. You are only a WEAK person if you have FEARS, but move around pretending not to have them. The two major fears that rob people of your greatness are the Fear of Failure and the Fear of Rejection. 

How do you then begin to guard your potentials against these Fears? Let me drop just a few points here. 

1. Admit you have Fears
2. Travel to the root cause
3. Remember who you are
4. Focus on the picture of a great endpoint 
5. Take action 

1. Admit you have fears: Fear is not a disease. It is most likely NOT your fault that you are afraid. Every fear is learned consciously or unconsciously. So, the first step in Overcoming your fear is to admit that you have it. 

2. Travel to the root cause: It is not enough to get motivated and "do it afraid". Sometimes, you might need to discover what usually triggers your fear of failure or rejection. Most Fears are usually rooted in REAL life scenerios and experiences. What event comes to mind that makes you afraid? What definition of Failure and Rejection does your mind carry? Get to the root cause, identify the origin of your Fears, discard the interpretation, and gain your freedom from there. 

3. Regain your Identity: You are God's child and this should be all that matters. God didn't create you with Fears. You were created as a powerful being with amazing potentials and gifts. After you have settled your fears from the root cause, you must Regain your identity and remind yourself of the power you have. 

4. Focus on the picture of a Great endpoint : Begin to focus on ONLY positive outcomes. Know that you might get negative outcomes here and there, but the more you focus on the end result being positive, all the negatives won't matter.. The aim is to achieve the positive outcome. 

5. Take action: After you have done all these, what you need next is to TAKE ACTION. Take action with the confidence of a Lion. Take action knowing that the world is expecting your manifestation. Take action not minding what anyone would feel about your action. Make sure you take action... No matter how minute it is. 

I wish I could go even deeper on each point, but let me leave it here till I get another opportunity to share with you again. Till then, Go and live FEARLESSLY! 

Olusegun Olaoke Cheggon
The Fear Doctor
FB/TW/IG - @officialcheggon 
WhatsApp - +234-812-112-0023

                                       NOTES FROM THE ADMIN
Before writing these notes, i have been struggling with the phrase to start with. Should it be “This was a journey” or “This is a journey”. The word “was” makes it sound like the journey has come to an end, finito, concluded etc but that is not the true position. Using the word “is” makes it sound like the journey is ongoing, which indeed is the case. Ah!! That is the right phrase.
This is a journey that started one hundred and sixty-four weeks (164) ago when the initial idea of running a blog was conceived. The idea was born out of passion and putting spare time into effective use. We commenced actual blogging, with our first post exactly three (3) years ago. This was, no, is exactly fourteen (14) days after it was born.
However, during the journey, we overcame bumps here and there; navigated around obstacles, checkpoints and crossed bridges to where we are right now; without removing the feet from the accelerator. We can say with smiles on our faces that the journey has been interesting.
At this point we should pat ourselves at the back; raise our hands in worship to HIM that has been with us all through the journey. While in the mood of worship (except for him that has his feet on the accelerator), we mime to our very own song “Yes To Your Will” by e-plus (Ejiro Emenike Ukaumune: the story teller). If you are interested in the song, which i believe you should because the song, “Yes To Your Will” , is a deeply soulful track that reaches for the depth of human spirit in worship and submission. The worship single is available on the following online stores:
Moreover, before we went into deep worship, we received encouraging text messages from those that just finished reading our book “Diamond and Stones”. The book “Diamond and Stones” is a fictional novel that gives account of series of events of a young woman named Tricia (the main character). These events culminates into feelings of mistrust, betrayal, anxiety, suspicion and vengeance. At the tail end, the suspense filled, mysterious novel is unravelled. To get your own copy on Okada book store, follow this link: We still have more where that came from; so expect more books from the story teller. Let me hint you on the next book coming out from the stable of The Story Teller; the novel title is “BEAUTY FOR ASHES”. Watch out!
Furthermore, now that schools has resumed our creative writing mentorship classes will zoom off in full gear. Our experience in this area has really shown that there are great potential in the younger generation. The future is really bright. I would have love to mention some of these talents but because of obvious reasons i would not be able to do that. For our sponsors so far on creative writing, we say thank you. For your books donations and gracing our mentorship classes with your presence. The likes of Mr. Okechukwu Ofili ( CEO of Okada Books), Mr. Ayokunle Stilo Oni (author of  GAPS) and Mr. Emeyazia Iwediokpulu Chukwudi (Poet: author of THE JOURNEY TO SIGNIFICANCE).
Being in the class watching those children displaying raw gifted talent is so encouraging. We are convinced, that, more needs to be done.
We are also using this medium to say thank you to everyone who has featured in the past and currently during the third anniversary.
At this point, we need to overhaul our engine and carry out maintenance services. This will enable us to come out bigger, better and more appealing to our viewers. We are not yet where we want to be in the next couple of years. In the nearest future we will definitely get there.
In line with our bigger, better and more appealing projection, we have acquired our own domain name; To be launched soon; sooner than you think.  
Once again, i say thank you all.


                                                       THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK

You dont learn how to write because writing is a reflection of what is in the inside rather you learn how to write better in a more comprehensive manner; that is creative writing.

                                                         CREATIVE WRITING SESSION 
Contributing to nurturing talents with particular interest in developing budding creativity in the art of Prose, Poetry, Drama, Narratives, Art, Fictions and Presentations, Ejiro Inspirational Creative Writing is committed in following through by using its platform to showcase these potentials. We are gradually establishing this essence as we mentor various students in thier schools. 
Ejiro Inspirational Creative Writing is in it's season 3 where talented Creative Writers would learn the art of creativity as applicable to thier various genre of interest. This course will run for six weeks(once every week Day) after which winners would emerge from Ejiro Inspirational Creative Writing Competition! These winners and thier articles would be showcased on Ejiro inspirational Blog as they represent thier Schools. We look forward to Mentoring more Schools in Creative Writing...Ejiro Inspirational Creative Writing is inspired to make you live your Dreams! Follow our Inspirational Blog Everyday@ 
Also Follow The Story Blog@

                                                THE STORY TELLER;S WORSHIP SONG

 *No! She cannot be part of us! After all she did! What will the Deacons Board say? What will the elders say! In fact she should be suspended from the Choir! and let her be   banned from Church activities!" The Pastor's wife lamented while she and her husband had dinner. The Pastor drank his water as he remained quiet. His wife was quite taken aback by his gesture. She stopped eating and stared at him long enough until she spoke again. "You're not saying anything!" She exclaimed. After few seconds, her husband turned to her and smiled. "Sweetheart, what has she done?" The Pastor asked. His wife stared at him with disbelief and contempt. "What has she done!? Are you asking what she has done!? Even the entire Church knows what this lady has done! How can you feign ignorance? Please o! As the Pastor of the Church you must act fast o! Let her not enter the Church from today onwards!" The Pastor's wife said firmly. "...but she was was raped! are we not suppose to minister to her now? She needs every word of encouragement at this point!..." The Pastor said. His wife remained silent for a while. "...but...don't you see the way she dresses? Even her hair style..she even has this proud look..she sings like she is better than  other choristers in the Church..abegi! She asked for what happened to her jare!!" The Pastor's wife exclaimed. At that moment, he stopped eating and stood up. "All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God!" "Let he without sin be the first to cast the stone!" "It is God's will that we all come to 'Repentance!" "When last did you reach this lady since the was raped? Is it enough to sit here and judge? Since when did God make us judges over others?" The Pastor lamented. His wife remained quiet. Then suddenly there was a frantic knock at the Door. The Pastor headed to open the Door and a young man stood there, panting like he was almost out of breath. "Pastor! Pastor! Please  come over, she just attempted suicide!" The young man lamented. Immediately, The.  Pastor picked his car keys and headed out! Everyone had assembled for the Church Service and it was time for Choir ministration. The Pastor stood before the congregation and spoke. "We thank  God for this day. We thank God for his Grace and Mercy. Weeks ago, she was accused, judged, condemned and abandoned and she wanted to take her own life! However, God has taken over...Our sister is here today and wants to sing to God for giving her another chance! Immediately she stepped forward and took over the Mic. As she stood before the congregation, everything changed. She felt the hand of God upon her and she just dropped on her knees and cried: "Yes to Your Will Lord! Lord I'm available for you!...*"
 Click and Download 'Yes To Your Will' The New Worship single by E-PLUS(Ejiro Emenike Ukaumune, The Story Teller.)
 You can now Download the  Worship Single by E-PLUS(Ejiro Emenike Ukaumune, The Story Teller.) on the following on online stores
 On CD Baby: 

 Remember to also bless and minister to someone's soul by sharing the link  to them..Let's tell God: 'Yes To Your Will'...In his will everything is perfect..

                                      or more enquiry, you can call or WATSAP:

                                     07081536821; 08028489362 or 08062760612

                                                 Follow The Series 'BOLD AS A LION'
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                                                  EXTRA CREDIT ON OKADA BOOKS

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The Novel written by Ejiro Emenike Ukaumune( The Story Teller)
This link takes you to the Novel 'DIAMOND and STONES'
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Winner of Ejirostoryblog Writing Competition for Schools!
Ebih Angel.
From Satellite Town Baptist Nursery and primary school.
Angel Ebih , 9 yrs old, primary 4, Flanked at the right by her Mother(Mrs Roseline Abigail) and by the left, her Teacher(Mrs Elizabeth Ayeni.)
In order to maintain her Innocence, we decided to present the unedited Story.
 by Ebih Angel.
 Once upon a time, there lived a girl names Angela. Her Mother trained her to work hard to achieve her goals. Her Father was poor and helpless. There was a competition was held in her school on _How to Read_. Angela took first position and a Scholarship was awarded to her. Her Parents were very happy for her. Angela was a good girl. She obeyed her parents and teachers and everyone that came her way. After her secondary education, she got admission into the University of Lagos to study Mass Communication and she came out with a very good grade. She later got married to Layemi who was a medical Doctor and God blessed them with three wonderful Children, two boys (Ayomide, Johnson) and a girl (Angel.) *The End*


Gloria Maduka
She's your regular host on
The Lunch Hour Show
@ Inspiration FM(92.3)
Mon-Froday. 2-5pm     
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                                                         Being  Blessed is a Potential   
                                                           By Pastor Yinka Akintunde  


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