Picture culled from Doby's kitchen . It's the weekend Grill again! Hmmm, Food! Food! Food! Very important to everyone yet we must not overlook the nutritional value. Have you ever wondered why some foods are considered more nutritious than others? Well, because of what they offer to our Body! Yea, right and guess which nutritious food is up for discussion this weekend..... OFADA! Yes! Also known as Brown Rice. In the eastern part of Nigeria, it is popularly known as Abakaliki rice. It is considered to have twice the fiber content of regular rice and fiber is said to play a significant role in the process of digestion. Brown rice is also stated as a natural Colon cleanser which aids weight loss. Brown rice is stated to control sugar and Diabetes due to the presence of soluble fiber. For a healthy heart, Brown rice is highly recommended. Next series, we shall be looking at the b...