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Plenty nonsense; can someone please explain to me, yes! To me, I don’t know about you, what is going on at the seat of power. It is quite disgusting, outright shameful, and doesn’t portray a good image for the country as a whole. What goes on there, are things that cannot happen in the most remote community/nation. There is no perfect marriage, but it does not mean we should go dancing naked in public. Our parents in those days, go behind closed doors to settle their differences without the children or neighbours having a glimpse of what is happening or happened. We used to look up to them as our role model, but now the reverse is the case. It becomes worse when the couple involved are tagged “first” in the community. Being tagged “first” should have made them exceptional but rather they throw shame and courtesy to the wind leaving it bear for all to see and gossip about. Well since no one has deem it fit to caution them; I am saying, enough is enough. We are tired of the show of shame and he should focus on good governance while she concentrates on her NGO. If I may go local for emphasis “e don do, shue!” or do we need to set up a “committee” of elders to intervene as usual, creating more avenues for more “chopping”.
Plenty nonsense; whenever I see him, hear his name or hear about what he did, I tend to wonder how we were all deceived or fooled by our then assumed leader or voice of the mases. He fooled us all to believe he was fighting for our course. He spoke so eloquently that we got so carried away without reading in between the lines. We marched through the streets behind him, our then assumed leader, defying the military junta. We were busy dancing to the drum of war and the beautiful rhythm from his shekere, but in real sense we were fanning his political ambition. In our foolishness we voted for him massively into power; thinking that we have created an opportunity for him to practise what he preached. Efian! Another big error on our part. The “Edo king maker” is at it again, trying to dethrone what he initially enthroned. The young man’s undoing was because he focused on good governance and he out rightly refused to pay homage to the powers that be. I watched some of his past videos and current ones where he spoke on public issues. I was dazed at the huge contrast; two different personality and with so much arrogance now without a blink of an eye. He verbally attacks the people now, with no remorse; on one occasion he publicly told a widow “to go and die!” I can’t help but wonder; the beast we all groomed.
Plenty nonsense; why rape? Why on earth should a man rape a woman? The most disheartening of it all is that, there is no age limit as a rape victim. The crave to rape now is so high as if there is a competition out there to beat a record set by who knows, who?. . The society, friends and relatives, are not helping matters either. The society tend to berate rape victims more than the rapist, the criminal!. With their new tactics, it seems as if nowhere is safe anymore. Is it not shocking that rape could occur in places of religious worship? This is daring! I strongly believe, those involved just nailed their own casket. At this point we may ask, are there laws against rape in Nigeria? If any, why are they not being applied appropriately? Why are rapist walking freely on our streets? These questions are necessary because of the manner with which the Nigerian Police is hurdling rape cases with kids gloves. If there are no laws to prosecute rapists in Nigeria, the time is now, to pass stern bills against rape into law. This is necessary to check mate the rate at which victims are on the rise.
Abeg! plenty nonsense must stop.
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