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“Hello! How dare you come before me to say that God spoke to you . . . . when did you join the church?”

The quote above, speaks volume of a church pharisee. They believe strongly in upholding the church tradition.

The church pharisee are a sect of religious individuals as members, elders or leaders who hold tenaciously to certain doctrinal values in the church. They believe in doing certain things in the old traditional ways.

An elder, as a church pharisee, will never yield to spiritual directive as long as that directive comes from a member assumed to be beneath them in the spiritual hierarchy. A church pharisee believes strongly in ‘spiritual hierarchy’. I want to state this clearly, that, there is nothing like spiritual hierarchy but spiritual ranking.

Spiritual hierarchy arranges man like a pyramid, one above the other while in spiritual ranking  all men are equal spiritually but some are gifted more in specific areas of spirituality than others. Furthermore, in spiritual ranking, no one is more important than the other because we all still need each other in the Body of Christ . this is more like a symbiotic relationship.

To further understand the church pharisee, lets look at some scriptures: Matt 23:2; Ezra 7: 6/25; Neh. 8:4 and Jude 1:9

Matt 23:2 (KLV)

“Saying, the scribes and the pharisee sit in Moses seat”

Joel 1:9 (KJV)

“Ye, Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation but said , The Lord rebuke thee”

The Epistle of Jude 1:9 further explains Matt. 23:2. There was an attempt by the devil to institutionalize Moses. If he has succeeded, the children of Israel would have abandon GOD and worship Moses, occupying the seat of Moses and being a scribe of the law of Moses simply means there is that strong hold on the old doctrine and traditions of the church, These ones find it difficult to understand the new move of the Holy Spirit.

Moreover, whenever the Lord speaks about another reformative move they would be unable to perceive or hear the voice of the Lord. Their inability to hear from GOD makes them to oppose or doubt the move of GOD. This is also as a result of an unveiled or uncircumcised heart.

Church pharisees believe that they can predict the way or ways GOD will move and therefor anything contrary they will disbelieve and oppose such move. They have defined the ways of GOD. These leaders would remain seated in Moses seat (An unshaken traditional doctrines) as long as their heart remain veiled.

They champion church politics and are always in the forefront to decide the fate of “erring” faithful’s in the church. They are so verse in the things of GOD and claim to din regularly with Him. If an elect of GOD is not careful, they can easily reassign another ministry to him or her totally different from the one originally apportioned by GOD. Church pharisees act contrary when out of reach.

I will conclude for now by saying that church pharisees are extremely, deeply and dangerously religious to the core.



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