ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! Don't worry this is not an alarm but I know it is worth your time. Have you ever come across little children who actually make use of vulgar languages like it was their nursery rhyme? It Beats your imagination, right? I have often wondered myself, who takes responsibility for this looseness? or is it just me that happens to be outdated? Hmmm, pardon me ooo. In retrospect, I remember growing up, there were places and words that were prohibited thus as a part of training, our association with friends were well checkmated. To a great extent, it really prevented some excesses, here and there. Time is evolving, likewise our norms. There is so much laxity now. Who is to blame? Parents? Teachers?Guardian? Whatever the case may be, there are loopholes and those loopholes must be attended to. We cannot afford to loose our children as a result of our own carelessness. These children are precious jewel we must keep, well protected and secured. We must be u...