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                      Noah’s Template of Enterprise – Serial 2

                         A Part to Play

        And Noah began to be a farmer, and he planted a         vineyard.  Genesis 9:20.

Aside post-flood breeding of the new human race, Noah was saddled with the serious task of setting the pace for the reconstruction of the devastated world. He needed to boldly forgo the possible loneliness his family would have been probably subjected to, having been the only surviving clan of mankind after the flood. Being the only surviving family in the entire earth would definitely had come with the attending temptation of depression or pontificating. He could have started a blame game when the reality of being alone in massive globe of mere receding water and some dry ground hit home.

Noah’s sons were newly wedded I suppose, as they had no children yet. Their wives and even Noah’s wife had nobody in their own maiden lineage around again. Except in a movie, the prospect of being the only family in a city is not attractive talk less of in the whole wide world. Noah had no competitor either for land or in business. He had to be self-motivated and well driven to make something great out of his present reality. We are not told what sort of business Noah was doing before he ‘found grace’ but one thing we were sure was that he wasn’t selling arks. Whatever therefore became of Noah’s pre-flood business we don’t know, but we are sure that his old business did not survive the flood.

Noah had a choice of allowing his mind to drift along these several paths of least resistance and much more, but he rather chose to be productive. He could have started picking fishes and other stranded marine animals left ashore by the flood for survival but he chose to be productive. He could have left the dispersion of seeds to natural forces like wind, water, birds and other animals. But he realised that such chance taking adventure of leaving things to nature would not only be slow and bedevilled with various uncertainties, the place of yielding may not be within his reach of reaping. He also knew that choice would be violated when life is left too much to mere happenstance. He would not have been able to control which kind of seed is majorly cultivated relative to the others, and it would have been difficult to also measure progress.

Taking the bull by the horn is the force behind the enterprising spirit needed for profiting here on the earth. When you see the so called global village as your village of enterprise, it will position you in the place of responsibility. Taking on the responsibilities diligently, wisely and responsibly brings you to the place of profiting. When you profit considerably to the point of relevance, it will create for you a platform of reckoning. Many inventors, innovators and other dwellers of the earth, past and present, are in the place of positive reckoning today because of their involvement in the global enterprise. Some in the enterprise of service delivery in leadership like Winston Churchill came up when the Europe needed bloody resistance to a bloody villain as Adolf Hitler. The Wright brothers, Isaac Newton, Michael Faraday and many more easily come to mind as people who improved how we live today by their spirit of enterprise.

Your personal enterprise has a crucial part to play in the evolvement and development of the global enterprise just as a little block of piece to a puzzle. Personal enterprise can be part of a larger enterprise such as being a nurse or doctor in a hospital. It could be as sole or part owner of an organisation, such as an entrepreneur or a partnership. Whichever form it takes; you need to bring something to the table of productivity in whatever relevant shape or form. To this end will there be personal and collective profiting with the replenishing of the earth continuing as intended at creation. What you cannot afford to be or do is to sit back, fold your hands and expect the earth to build itself or for God to do it for you.

The heaven, even the heavens, is the Lord’s; but the earth He has given to the children of men. Psalm115:16.
Yinka Akintunde
             BETTIWIN Ltd: Property Consultant

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