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By Yinka Akintunde

          Noah’s Template of Enterprise – Serial 3

A Reward to Get

Development and evolvement in any system are subject to risk when rewards are no more the functions of profitable input. Your rewards here on earth are therefore mostly a function of your enterprise engagement. Whether you are being rewarded in wages, salary or even with political office; you must have done something to merit reward.

Even though what you are and who you are important and can determine what you do; nevertheless, you are mostly rewarded here on earth based on what you do. Having a lofty degree in a field does not translate to being rewarded in cash or kind in that field. No organisation pays you salary and bonuses based on your resume; you are rewarded in accordance to your input into that organisation. We have celebrated who and what we are enough; it is time to start dwelling on what we do. Many parts of the world today suffer greatly from ineffective and ill-effective leadership because; leadership in their concept is what and who you are and not what you do. So we see tragedy of leaders doing everything and anything possible to occupy positions only for that art of ascending the throne to be the best effort they could offer humanity. After ascension, the rest is mediocrity and poor work ethics galore; yet the crave to remain in office for the personality it confers is unabated.

Noah began to be a farmer and was rewarded with harvest and a winery because he planted a vineyard. Being a farmer does not bring harvest, planting and cultivating as a farmer does.

Your total worth in material and non-material wealth here on earth, outside of inheritance, is a function of what you are ultimately rewarded with over the period of your productivity. Since worthy inheritance is not certain for all, it is time to start your own venture into productivity. Noah was a man with nothing to inherit as the world, including whatever he had inherited from his own lineage had just been wiped off the earth.

Moreover, the profit of the earth is for all: the king himself is served by the field. Ecclesiastes 5:9.

There is a tendency to keep looking at the ‘lucky ones’ and the ‘privileged ones’ of the earth and keep writing your own self out of the equation of the ‘haves’. The truth is that even the ‘lucky’ and the ‘privileged’ ones are dependent on their continuous profitability with whatever they have on the earth or else they go bankrupt and soon be so unlucky. This profiting or reward is available to all; we are told above. You might not have started at the same level and with the same privilege as the others but you can start wherever you are and go forward. Noah started from the place of clean slate, wiped clean by flood with not enough staff members to work for him. He had no buyers to buy his farm produce either. But whatever the world is today started from the adventures of Noah in post-flood enterprise.

Your past efforts may have been wiped off by flood of failure, depression or recession; you can start again and make success out of your new venture. The then world was wiped because of the evil of the inhabitants thereof. In like manner, your past failure may be due to your bad deeds and wrong decisions. It makes no difference anymore; the earth is established for profiting. As long as you live on it, do not give up on profiting. Rewards are tied to your adventure in enterprise, either as a small unit in a larger enterprise or as an entrepreneur working on your own, you just need to be doing something.


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