By Yinka Akintunde.
Grace Capital as Supernatural Endowment: Till the days of Noah, there had never been rain neither had anyone built an ark before. It would have taken Noah some supernatural endowments to see what God was showing and also to follow through accurately. There had been hunters like Nimrod before Noah was born and so the concept of wild animals was not strange. To bring these entire wild animals into the ark would have been naturally impossible. The whole concept of the capital of grace as supernatural endowment is therefore relevant here: when God in His benevolence is making up for what you are short of through Christ Jesus. When enablement to achieve results is being granted you from on high. When you are being helped over and above what would have been hindrances and your natural limit. When you are being marked up by heaven because you have not scored enough on your own to get the enterprise done. I remember my pre-clinic days in the medical college, the exams could be so tough at times that no one did really pretty well in the real sense of it. The examination board would then do what is called 'marking up the scripts'. They would look for a fairly good mark that the reasonable size of the class had scored up to or above and make it the cutoff mark. Because the pass mark was always 50%, they would calculate the difference between the cut off chosen and 50, this would be the mark-up. It would be added to everyone's original score and the result would then be released. Many who eventually passed would probably have failed if not for the benevolent providence of 'marking up' by the faculty. Same thing is done by any good trader who wants to make profit. Having bought the good at a cost, whatever level of profit in expectation will then be added to the cost price as mark-up to determine the selling price.
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Yinka: Noah's Template of Enterprise Success-Serial 10
Gloria Maduka
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