By Yinka Akintunde.
Noah’s Template For Enterprise Success -Serial 4
A World to Build
There was an earth to be re-built. No one would live there but Noah and his descendants, so Noah needed to smell the coffee and wake up to the task. There is a world, in fact your own world, you need to build. No politician or church will really build your world for you as it was intended to be built. I am sure angels were on earth in the days of Noah as ministering spirits to
him who was an inheritor of grace, yet they didn't build the world for him. Every other contributor in your world is a helper, whether they are spirits or human, including the Holy Spirit. Everyone is building his or her own world within the context and larger picture of the entire world, physical and spiritual. What you build is what you eventually inhabit and enjoy. No institution will build your world for you; you will. Governments can create an enabling and secure environment; schools can give you formal training in skill acquisition, but they cannot do the bigger part of the project for you, which is you taking on life as a project. The church can create a good and inspiring atmosphere for you to access God's blessing; an anointed minister can impart
you with grace for building aright, but neither of these can do the bigger job t h e re i n for you . Eve n G o d ' s involvement in how you build your world is premised upon and is a function of how much you are doing in building it.
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